Friday, 7 October 2016

You’re somebody’s type: Donate Blood

Ask yourself what is the most valuable phenomenon in this universe & the only retort you receive is ‘Life’.   We all value our life the most, but how much do we really do to ensure that we are contributing to save one?  With increased awareness people now make a prior provision to donate their organs and tissues once they are deceased.
Wouldn’t it be even more gratifying to witness a life saved, in your presence! 
Organs are one-time donation & yet there is one basic element which recreates itself naturally allowing us to donate it time & again - “BLOOD”.

MRCC had the privilege to aid our humankind & society through a ‘Blood donation Camp’, organized in the office premises. This was specifically towards the children suffering from Thalassemia.

Once the news floated within the office, we had an over whelming response for this noble deed.  

We had a doctor visit our office and explain the importance of donation. He positively relieved certain ambiguity, by reinforcing that donating a little excess blood in our body while does not cause any harm to our body in turn saves someone's life!  In the matter of fact, the doctor shared fascinating facts such as donating blood helps store iron in the body by maintaining same at healthy levels which reduces risk of heart and liver ailments caused by iron overload in the body, burns the extra calories and reduces your cholesterol level, stimulates the production of new blood cells and refreshes the system & many more such benefits to the donors body.
It certainly helped clarify certain myths that usually keep everyone away from blood donation.

On 24th June’16, a whopping 100 & more employees turned up to support this noble cause.
We salute the generous & brave donors of MRCC & appreciate such strong inclination towards such a cause.

A true success in all its interpretations!

We can only imagine the innocent suffering kids, smiling while receiving such a unique gift. 

Truly, “the gift of blood is the gift of life”

MRCCian’s took pride in receiving ‘Donor certificates’ reminding them of their noble deed and the immense spiritual satisfaction of making a huge difference in the kid’s life! 

Donate Blood, Give Life!

- MRCC Corporate Communication Team

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